PLOUGHBOYS KEEP TRADITION ALIVE TO GIVE CHARITY A BOOST Pulling their newly repaired wooden plough, Balsham Ploughboys took to the village's streets alongside Cambridge Morris Men and raised more than £2,500 for charity on Monday. Of that amount, £885 was raised at one home alone - the Manor, where hosts had invited 100 guests to meet the ploughboys. Plough Monday has been held on and off in the village since the 1700s and was most recently resurrected in 1972. The money raised this year will go to MAGPAS First Responders (Balsham & Linton) Scheme. There was a special celebration for 'bagman' John Jenner who celebrated his 50th anniversary as a morris dancer. "He is so fit, it is amazing. It just be the dancing or perhaps all the beer" joked Ploughboys club secretary, Jan Ellam. The dancing and the pulling of the plough started in Fox Road at 5.30pm, and reached the Black Bull at about 11.00pm. The 20 strong team of ploughboys included six, known as the horses, who pulled the plough. Two of the ploughboys, Roy Ellam and Graham Clarkson, have been involved in the event since 1972. Since then, more than £30,000 has been raised for good causes in Balsham, and the club was pleased to be able to help MAGPAS this year. Mrs Ellam said "The money is going to the First Responders, who want it for equipment, such as defibrilators, in Balsham and Linton. We would like to thank all the hosts and all the people who welcome us into their homes."
Saffron Walden Reporter - 12 January 2006
A MERRY MILESTONE The annual Balsham Plough Monday was celebrated in style. Pictures: (left) The Cambridge Morris men go through their paces. A smile from Roy Ellam during the celebrations. John Jenner during his 50th anniversary celebrations and Buster Ellam on his 25th. (Above) the plough is pulled through the village