One of the area's oldest traditions was kept up in fine style this week as Balsham Ploughmen celebrated Plough Monday.
Every year the group teams up with Cambridge Morris Men to drag a plough through the village and entertain villagers who turn out to watch. Legs were sore the morning after as the ploughmen and morris dancers dragged the plough uphill through the village in the cold and finished at the Black Bull. Squire, James Kiddy, said "We had some really good stops this year with lots of people at them. They had made a real effort and had some really good parties going on" As always, the grup stopped at the memorial plough outside the Black Bull to remember Jim Daniels, the man who revived the Plough Monday tradition in the 1970s. Three of his grandsons, Roger Scotland, David Scotland and Tom Daniels, were also part of the grup this year and joined in the minute's silence with the ploughmen. As well as being the village's main winter event, it also raises vital cash for charity and more than £1,600 was given on the night. The ploughmen will use the money to buy an oak tree to plant at the end of Fox Road to replace the chestnut tree that died. They will also donate some to MAGPAS and Balsham Village Hall. |